• PenGems x My Newest Addiction Designer Pen

     My Newest Addiction Designer Crystal Pen PenGems

    Friday, June 16th, 2017
    12:00 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time (CDT)
    While you're waiting for the release...


    Keep scrolling for more pics after the FAQs!👇

    Will they be restocked?
    Designer Collection pens are limited editions, and not restocked when they sell out.

    How fast will they sell out?
    That's up to you.😉 Some last just a few minutes, some last a few months. Designer releases are always crazy, not for the faint of heart!

    When will they ship?
    We'll start shipping immediately! All orders will be shipped by June 21, 2017.

    Important Note
    Having an item in your cart does not hold it for you. Like all online shopping carts, payment must be completed before it is yours. If you have an item in your cart and receive an "inventory error" message when you go to the checkout page, it just means someone was a split second faster, and the pen isn't available anymore. It will be removed from inventory when their payment is completed.

    Log in to your account early and load anything else you intend to purchase in your shopping cart. That way, when the collection goes live, you can checkout immediately.My Newest Addiction Designer Crystal Pen PenGems

    My Newest Addiction Designer Crystal Pen PenGems